Opening hours

Mon-Fri, 7:30-4:30

Call Us

0476 154 142


About Us


Ausmow Horticulture is celebrating 17 years in business and we are transitioning to our new brand. This has taken a little time and we are still in the process but please be assured our services will remain high quality and we always will look after our clients. You are important to us and we will be there when you need us to tidy up your domestic or commercial properties.

For the home owners and rental market we can provide you with a regular lawn mowing and garden service (weeding,pruning,hedge trimming and mulching. Good for the tenants to keep the property managers off your case when they do those rental inspections. For those landlords you can have peace of mind knowing your valuable assett your rental property is properly looked after hassle free. For businesses give your customers that professional impression with a well kept garden, first impressions are important.

→ Lawn Mowing
→ Gutter Cleaning
→ High Pressure Water Cleanup
→ Garden & Leaf Clean Up
→ Trimming
→ Hedging
→ Pruning
→ Weed Control
→ Age Care Provider
→ Strata Mainenance sevices



We make it a priority to offer flexible services to accommodate your need.